A festival is a public celebration of event. Cultural celebrations create a sense of brotherhood, selflessness , peace and harmony. They break the dull routine and allow the people rejoice. They bring people closer and create in them a cultural harmony. 


     The shab-e-barat is a religious celebration. It is celebrated on 15th shabaan. People illuminate their house and mosques and offer nawafil the whole night.


     The EID-UL-FITR is celebrated on the 1st of shawwal. People offer Eid prayer after the sunrise. Then they greet one another and spend the whole day rejoicing.


      HAJJ is the event when million of Muslim from all over the world gather at Arafaat on 9th Zilhaj to bow before Allah.Those who do not go there, establish special prayers on the 10th Zilhaj. Then they sacrifice animals to honour the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim. Meat is distributed among the poor and members of the family.
      We also hold some celebrations to commemorate our great saints at their shrines. Mela Chiraghan is held at the shrine of Madhu lal Hussain. The Urses of Baba Farid, Data Ganj Bukhsh, Imam Bari, Sachal Sar Mast and Shah Abdul-Latif Bhitai are held at their shrines.


       The Pakistan resolution is celebrated March 23 and independence day is celebrated on August 14. We celebrated these occations every year to refresh the greatness of these events.

      On the eve of these celebrations, our artisans display their handicrafts which attract tourists from all over the world. Lok melas are also held which enable the people to develop a sense of brotherhood among them. Cultural festivals are essential to keep the people united and active